meet Asher


Asher was adopted on January 3, 2011 from the Hood County Animal Shelter. At a mere 7 weeks old he was the cutest polka dotted puppy I had ever laid eyes on. He slept on my lap for the 1 hour drive home.

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photo 1When we arrived home our 2 year old Tabby named Charlie wanted nothing to do with him, and he was oblivious to her existence. Over the next few months they became quiet the pair.

Day 4 4-10-11

Before we left for Israel, I had Asher all ‘fixed’ up to stay with my sister in Bryan. It was like the ending of an era already and I was glad to make the 5 month mark. Asher, however, didn’t like what his party hat symbolized.


After our return from Israel, Asher finished his Puppy Obedience class and Graduated with full honors!


In April 2011, Asher became a BIG brother to a litter of kittens, his favorite and Mr’s was a little black one we named Shade.Apr242011_Kittens_5521
In August 2012, we relocated to Colorado Springs. A place with few catahoula’s and fewer places to go swimming. However, once Asher found out that snow was basically water. All was right with the world!
IMG_9853Today, Asher loves to hike and carry his own weight when we are out. He loves to retrieve tennis balls, sticks or anything you can really throw. He loves both of his kitties very much and enjoys lounging on the couch after a long day of me cleaning house or crafting.

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